Friday 10 January 2020


day 1
started creating my "easy" level 

what i learned: how to make transparent blocks
day 2: finished my "easy" level as quick as possible so i can make it harder

what i learned: how to make fake blocks

day 3:  didnt really do to much to change my project, just a couple of tweaks to the level design to make it harder
day 4
minor fixes to my level making it legitimately easier

day 5
minor fixes to make my level ALMOST impossible
also finished my level for the first time

day 6 
*finally finishes level*

day 7
minor aesthetic changes

Friday 6 December 2019

desert questions

What did you do today?   DAY1

  • image of seeker
  • image of a town from the air
  • image of your airship

What did you learn?

  • tips and tricks for your readers
for example - what is the quick way to gather all items from something you have opened?

answer the following with an image
  • where do you get a stone axe from? the first town you see 
  • what items can you eat? cactus fruit, cooked tin, uncooked tin 
  1. image of CAN 
  2. image of COOKED can
  3. image of a COOKED FISH
  4. image of a LIVE fish
  5. image of a mushroom
  1. images of cactus fruit

Day 2
1.image of seeker
2. image of airship

3.image of town

Day 3
3 differences
 Day 4

killed seeker
seeker head wall decorations and statue

noise maker

desert skies

day 1:

day 2